This illustrated book, titled "Christmas from the Heart" by Jessica Saari, is a special edition hardcover published in 2009 by Meredith Books. The book features numerous topics such as drawing, cross-stitch, scrapbooking, art deco, holidays for women, DIY, refurbishment, wreaths, decorations, arts and crafts, crafts for children, sewing, crocheting, decorating, collectibles, napkin decoupage, garlands, repairing, gardens, presentation, creativity, home decor, knitting, needlepoint, needlework, presents, crafts, and interior design. It is suitable for young adults and adults alike who are interested in leisure, hobbies, and lifestyle. The book also contains no inscriptions or ex libris and is not signed. It is perfect for those looking for Christmas decor and crafts, modern and contemporary art, mind, body, and spirit topics, and do-it-yourself projects. This book is a must-have for anyone interested in the art and culture of Christmas and holidays. Thanks for looking. BOOKCASE - 5